Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Back from vacation

I just got back from a great vacation in Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park and Salt Lake City, Utah.

So it's back to hot and humid Florida after freezing (in a good way) out West.

I had some good and not-so-good craft beer while there. I'll post more about that later. But here's the quick info: There's craft beer in the parks, and it's pretty good. I went to a good brewpub and a so-so one. I'll tell more about them soon.


  1. Glad you enjoyed vacation! I had my first Hop Stoopid and think you need to join me in pressuring whole foods to get that in, because it is like being able to get HopSlam year round. I mean, it's not *quite* that good, but close, and very similar. OMNOM.

  2. Postscript: Went to Total Wine. They now carry Hop Stoopid; $3.99 a bomber. Totally worth it.

  3. Excellent! I'll have to go buy some after I drink all my Sam Adams LongShot.
